We take care of family assets adopting tailor made investment strategies.
Scouting SIM is a regulated securities brokerage firm that offers customized long-term investment solutions compliant with domestic regulations.
We preserve and protect the real value of whole net worth under advisory, by increasing the return with tight control of financial, economic and tax erosion over generations.
What we do
Detailed financial analysis
The whole portfolio is analyzed in its entirety, focusing on the details that drive investment decisions with a clear diversification and decorrelation target.
Definition of strategic asset allocation
We believe that the families we work with can be considered as small Endowments: their time horizon is very long and they will never need to spend all their assets during their lifetime. It is therefore necessary to think long-term and transgenerational, just as with foundations, never forgetting the clients’ propensities and also the ESG approach, which is certainly the future. Our Group is a strong believer in the research of investment solutions in the real economy where, moreover, the wealth we have under advisory as a Family Office comes from. A return to the roots by the families we advise must be taken into account when defining the strategy.
Risk control and protection
We execute a close daily check – on all asset managers – of investment discipline, risks, applied costs and conflicts of interest using proprietary software.
Search for innovative asset managers and decorrelated long-term opportunities
A deep selection given by the team’s decades of experience in the private markets segment characterizes our ability to choose a true de-correlation from traditional and public markets. The ability to have access to the best international asset and portfolio managers translates into a significant added value on our families portfolios by maximizing returns while minimizing the cost of entry into these opportunities.
Asset Aggregation and Reporting
We have sophisticated proprietary software developed over years of use and improvement, specifically designed for UHNWI and Single Family Offices.
Focus on transparency, efficiency and cost savings
Transparency and constant dialogue with counterparties is a key point for us in the selection of bank and fincial advisors; a close monitoring over this point leads to complete control and certified attention on cost control, avoiding possible duplication or inefficiencies on portfolios.
Investment monitoring according to MiFID
The choice of exercising the Family Office activity through an independent SIM (Italian regulated entity) guarantees clients with a complete supervision by both the Bank of Italy and The National Securities Commission (CONSOB). This avoids families finding themselves investing according to risk profiles that are not compliant with their risk profile.
Future orientation
We understand and consider changes as opportunities to be seized in order to propel us towards a more sustainable future.
We analyze new trends with great care, putting a multidisciplinary team of experienced professionals at the client’s service
Our Clients
Ultra-HNWI families
We identify unconventional investment opportunities for large entrepreneurial families, in Italy and abroad, having access to carefully selected opportunities with both a global and a domestic perspective.
Corporate treasuries
We manage the liquidity of private abd public corporates, having many years of experience in the market.
Our customised service is also aimed at independent legal entities.
Endowment / Non-profit institutions
For non-profit institutions, we devise a plan that respects the balance between monetary flows and long-term commitments.
Our Values
Protection through risk management software
Our proprietary IT platform is dedicated to risk analysis, performance measurement and a detailed monitoring and control of each single transaction.
Monitoring and selection of asset & portfolio managers
With us you have access to the best customized investment opportunities, thanks to our contact with leading asset and portfolio managers in the market in Italy and internationally.
Management of a valuable network of external advisors and professionals
Our years of experience in wealth management allow us to coordinate an extended network of external professionals and advisors: legal, corporate, accounting, fiscal, real estate and experts.